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    August 25, 2005

    baggage claim crap

    Flight Details Flight & Date VS10 / 17AUG / EI163 / 18AUG
    Routing JFK / LHR / DUB

    leaving ireland soon

    we love ireland. dublin was the least interesting, most nondescript place here…every other city has gotten more beautiful and interesting as we’ve moved on. We went to gALWAY, letterfrack, clifdon, and now cork city. there’s so much water here and the bog lands are very strange. we toured a national park and found out all this information about how they clear cut and burned the forest lands here and it has left this swampy effect on the remaining land, but buried underneath are logs and sometimes even petrified trees. It’s a crazy result of man’s encroachment on nature.

    It’s crazy traveling with someone, finding out how well you know and don’t know them. We’ve met so many fun people. We both really enjoy smaller towns and cities, so we’re totally on the same page when it comes to the places we want to go. I love the seedy parts of town where i can meet and drink with the real people. I get a bit dizzied in the tourists parts where they throw so many options at you and make you spend way too much money! I Miss you all! Let me know news from home!!!

    August 03, 2005

    finally a travel entry

    Wow, I’m on my road trip! half way through it actually. Time has been wiggling around in this weird way. My tummy knows when it’s time to eat and my eyes don’t open until I’m rested (or if I have to pee), but days days pass in one day. Or is it that several days encompass one day? Either way, I wake and sleep, and yes run! It’s been a few days since we got serious exercise, in Denver we stayed with Stephanie an dRob and got to run on stephanie’s old running path. How fun it was to hold babies and play with Kaatje. We also took a four hour walk that day. And we have been driving and NOT exercizing for the last 3 days. We might walk to the bar tonight. Yes, we will. That’s at least a half hour walk each way. My body doesn’t react well to not moving. On a nice note, I’ve lost four or five pounds since I put my scale away a week before I left PDX! Yay! I’ve been worse about eating since I had BBQ yesterday for lunch. We ate at this BBQ place in Kansas City and had an awesome sandwhich, so big that mike and i could split it and we were still full. Arthur Bryant’s BBQ. That book we got, Eat Your Way Across the USA has proved priceless because we”ve found some amazing places to eat off the beaten path ( like the Basque restaurant in Reno that Jnet used to go to for birthdays and stuff!).

    I miss my friends so much. It’s hard to be so out of touch, especially when I’m usually so in touch. The next two stops are Cincinatti and NY.

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