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    Loop Beginning at Herman Creek

    This hike really felt like a spring hike despite the snow and ice that caked the uppermost Ridge cutoff trail. It felt spring because we saw Trillium blooming and the first false morels.

    It took us 4.5 hours to hike 9.3 miles where we gained 2700 feet in elevation. Besides the great workout, […]

    Summiting Elk Moutnain

    Mike and I hiked Elk Mountain where we gained about 2000 feet in elevation in about 2 miles. The top .5 mile was covered with snow, which made the steep uphill a little treacherous for this clumsy girl. Mike showed me a new technique for uphill treks in mud or snow that kept me […]

    Fanatic About Food

    I’m becoming slightly fanatic about food these days. I realized this as I was switching my minestrone soup from a plastic bowl into a glass bowl so I can use the glass in the microwave. It makes sense to me, but it still might be a little crazy.

    Wait, there’s more.

    I have decided to […]

    Pacific Crest Trail from Bonneville Dam

    On Sunday, we hiked the Pacific Crest Trail from the Bonneville Dam Trail head. It was about 7.5 miles and it took us around 3.75 hours. This hike was incredibly disappointing at first, not only because we weren’t coming across much fungi, but also because the trail took us through some nasty clear cut forest.


    Campeche, un pueblo colonial

    We spent most of the last week in a resort. It was a huge change from the places we visited in Belize and a far cry from the hotel in Tulum (El Crucero which was kind of a junk show). But, alas, traveling in the resort world is not for me. We made the mistake […]

    Rain, rain go away

    Okay, so we did visit the jungle, but it’s not supposed to be raining like it does in the rainy season. Dana from Val’s backpacking hostel in Dangriga told us that this is how it rains when it’s the worst of the two weeks in the rainy season. The river is higher than it should […]


    We have been traveling for days with interrupted, choppy rest until yesterday when we finally are letting ourselves warm up to one place and relax. We went on an impromptu 12 hour tour yesterday. The host at the hotel wanted to take a trip to the local characoal ruins and to several waterfall spots for […]

    My New Years Resolutions

    I’m mulling over my resolutions. They work for me, so it’s worth it for me to think of some, but the key is not taking on too many, and to formulate them in a way that I’m adding something to my life and not taking something away (chocolate..ahem). So I’m listening to the Heartless Bastards […]

    Two Types

    The snow has derailed Portland. In a good way and a bad way. People are funny when their routine is shaken up. The snow has made some friendlier and some crankier here in Portland. It’s similar to how some people like to travel because they thrive on their routine being shaken up and others need […]

    I’m done!

    I am finally done with my writing assignments. Right on time. I sure hope the magazine prints them. I’m not sure what I think about all of the work involved in writing two articles. I mean, I write for a living, but taking time to interview people, gather your thoughts, and come up with a […]